

Where did the time go?!

I hope you’ve enjoyed!😃
And it’s been my pleasure getting to know you! 

I decided to go back and look at my first couple of posts: Tis the Season and A Chick Making the Most Out of  2014 and took stock of how much I’ve grown as a blogger and as a person. Who would have thought that blogging would have helped me grow personally?

Looking back over the year. I’ve had some highs and some lows. I went back to college to finish my master’s in Adult Education, helped my dad with my mom after she had open heart surgery, successfully completed a blogging challenge, just to name a few. As I continued my year in review, I took a look at The Present & The Future and realized my blog is still morphing. Some things I accomplished, while others didn’t get enough wind under them to take flight.

What I’ve learned about myself

  • Commitment. I’m a commitment-phobe. I’ll start something, get bored with it and move on. But with blogging, I’ve learned to refocus and breathe new life into things that bore me.
  • Patience. It takes time to build an audience and a loyal following, so patience is a must. I still don’t have a lot, but I’m working on it.
  • This is not something I learned through blogging. I already knew this. I’m an introvert, but what I learned is that I’m also an introverted blogger. I thought I’d be able to say all those plucky things I say to my family and friends and some coworkers, but I don’t. Well, sometimes I do — after mulling it over and rereading it a billion times and starting over a billion and one times.
  • I suck at proofreading. Not really an unknown fact, but I didn’t realize how much until I started going back and rereading some of my posts.

What I’ve learned about blogging

  • It’s a Community I enjoy being a part of — albeit somewhat anonymous, but I’d like to think I’ve gotten to know some of you through your blogging window.
  • Quality content is a must (working on that).  I have these wonderfully thought provoking conversations in my head and when I try to convert them to words, up comes the written word wall and that mental conversation never comes out the way it took place in my head. By the way they are conversations between A, B, & C.
  • Visiting other blogs is a must (working on it), which I struggle with all the time. There are a ton of good blogs out there and there are a ton of bad blogs, too. (I hope I don’t fall into the bad blog category.) And there’s always that blog that’s a diamond in the ruff.
  • Commenting on other people’s posts (working on that, too) is a must and I don’t mean saying something like: ‘I agree with you,’ but expand upon that and tell them why you agree or better yet play devil’s advocate

Here are a few of my favorite posts

I’d love to know if you have a post or at least one you liked a lot. 😃

Some of my favorite blogs

So, what’s on the horizon in 2015 for the ever morphing 20/20 Hines Sight. I don’t know. Well, that’s not 100% true. Here’s what I’m thinking:

I’m slowly breaking out of my shell and hopefully that will continue in 2015, and you’ll get to know me a bit better. I’m looking forward to spending more time on your blogs in 2015, and getting to know you better.

14 thoughts on “Blogiversary!🎈🎈

  1. My blogiversary is coming up in January and I’m really excited to look back, reflect, and make some new goals for the future. Milestones are always great for those things. Congrats!


  2. Congratulations on your first year of blogging! I’m with you that the top thing I learned was that blogging is a community. I spend much, much more time reading other people’s blogs than working on my own.


  3. Congrats on one year! I’ll have to take some time as I check out your blog. Good luck on your new goals and future blogging endeavors.

    PS. I stink at proofing too but I’m working on letting that go.


  4. Oh my, what a beautiful post! It’s great that you started blogging just before Christmas a year ago: a beautiful present to give yourself. I hope you’ll be enjoying many more blogging years to come! Way to go 🙂


    • Thanks Mara, it’s been a long time since we connected. I hopped over to your blog a few days ago and noticed a design change. I like what you’ve done. We’ve got to get that blogging buddy thing going again (if you’re interested). If so, we can toss around some ideas. 😉


      • Yes, it’s been too long time! I admit I’ve been a poor blogger recently, I have made some changes on my blog and have been posting on, but I haven’t been able to connect with your, lovely fellow bloggers as much as I’d love. Too much work, some changes in my personal life, too hard… But I would totally love to repeat our collaboration! Any ideas? If so, just drop me a line and we’ll see 😉 You must be very busy too, so anytime is good. Meanwhile, all the best and happy holiday!


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