Weekend Coffee Share

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Can you believe it – it’s the end of 2015 and the last coffee share?! I know I can’t.

I had a lot of wonderful experiences throughout the year and some not so pleasant ones, but I’m not unique in that. We’ve all had some ups and down this year and we made it through. So, I say give yourself a high-five, a fist bump, a belly bump, a booty bump or whatever you do to congratulate yourself.

Usually, I go to church with my family on Christmas day, but since I flew in Christmas Eve and didn’t get home until after 1 am and didn’t get to bed until well after 2 am, I couldn’t rouse myself  to get to church. I finally managed to drag myself out of bed around 11:30 am and I was pretty cranky because I was tired and hungry. Yep tired and hungry = cranky. So, I encourage people to feed the bear and then let the bear sleep and never ever poke the bear while said bear is tired and hungry. 😈

I made one of my specialty dishes for my parents today – 4 bean chili (red & white kidney beans, black beans, and garbanzo beans). I don’t use the packaged chili powder because there’s something in it I’m allergic to, so I make my own and I can also control the amount of salt and make it as spicy or as mild as I want. I took some to my Grammy and she loved it and wants me to bring her some more. Who could say no to that face?


Christmas day was as usual great. My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew came over and they were Santa and Mrs. Claus with a very tall elf – my nephew is 6’8″. We all got stuff we wanted/needed. My brother-in-law got me a migraine wrap. Needed it. I got my sister some cool pajamas/loungewear that has sewing stuff on it (spindle, sewing machine, dress forms, etc.), which is fitting for her because she loves to sew. My dad was probably the biggest winner of the Christmas booty this year. I bought myself a sock puppet onesie. And as promised here is the picture.


Although I’m 35+, I’m still a huge kid.

A little while ago WordPress put out a call for TAs for their Blogging U. – Blogging 101: Zero to Hero and I threw my name in the hat. I wasn’t selected early on, but I got an email asking if I was still interested. Heck yeah! And if all goes well I shall be one of TAs for the upcoming January class. I did Blogging 101: Zero to Hero when I first started this blog and it was really good experience. I met quite a few bloggers that I still l chat with some 3 years later and I learned quite a bit. Hopefully now that I’ll be on the other side I’ll learn even more about blogging and what it means to be a blogger.

I do believe I have finally solidified my Blogging A to Z April Challenge topic(s) for my blogs. I didn’t get a chance to do it this year, but I’m determined to do it and finish it in 2016. I feel as though I’m much more prepared to make this happen across my blogs than in years past.

  • For this blog I’m going to keep the topics I had for the 2015 challenge. Why recreate the wheel. I’ll start prewriting those posts next month.
  • I have already started to pre write my short stories and I’m keeping them to 300 words or less.
  • I have my A to Z Bible names picked out and all that’s left is to do a little background on them. Sorry, I won’t be talking about Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Mary, Solomon, Paul, or any of the Apostles or any of the other more popular, well-known folks in the Bible.

I have learned that for the Blogging A to Z challenge prewriting is the way to go, especially if you have multiple blogs.

And by the way the way the challenge sign up begins January 25, so mark the date on your calendar. Looking forward to seeing you there.



8 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share

  1. Thanks for posting the picture of you in the onesie. I wore a black and white cow one at the snow…only for about one ski because it was a bit awkward over my ski gear but I’m 46 and I still haven’t grown up. I have kids now so I need to keep up with them and if I feel like going back to pre-school, I’ll ring in some nephews and nieces.
    Thanks for letting me know about the sign up day for the A-Z April Challenge. I did it for the first time this year and it was a bit intense trying to write posts and participate at the same time. I am planning to write about places around Sydney so the kids and I might have to do some touring during the holidays.
    Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!
    xx Rowena

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s awesome that you wore it skiing. It is a bit awkward to wear, especially since I’m 5’8″ and it’s just a wee bit shorter than me. A bit uncomfortable to curl up on the sofa.

      You’re welcome about the A-Z Challenge. And congrats on your first year. It is intense and overwhelming, but super fun.I would love to see the places around Sydney as Australia is must have stamp in my passport.

      I hope you and yours and have a wonderful New Year and happy blogging!


  2. I need to get my butt in gear and start planning. It’s gonna be here sooner than I think, and I don’t even have a theme yet!

    Whew, so much to do this year, and I love it. Zero to Hero, Blogging 201, April A-Z, and whatever else there is that I’ve forgotten about.

    Sometimes forgetting things is a good thing. You have reasons to get excited all over again.


Speak your peace . . .